How to create an Angular pipe that gives an estimation of reading time

In this article, we are going to create a pipe with Angular and Moment.js that will estimate reading time for blog posts.

Ivo Nederlof
2 min readDec 28, 2021

Sometimes it’s a necessity for a company or brand to create a blog. These blog posts can be very large, so wouldn’t it be nice if we could show readers an estimation of reading time for a specific article?

In this post, we are going to create a pipe that will estimate how long an article will take to read.

  1. If you don’t have a project yet, create a new Angular project.
ng new demo-reading-time

2. Install moment.js

Optionally we can install moment.js so that we can present reading time humanized. (for example “2 minutes read”).

yarn add moment
// or
npm install moment

Add types for moment.js

yarn add -D @types/moment
// or
npm install @types/moment --save-dev

Note: If you don’t want to use moment.js, ignore this installation, and create your own humanized logic.

3. Create a new pipe

ng g pipe reading-time

4. Change the pipe class and method to the following

This piece of code has 4 parameters, the content would be the text of an article/post. wpm stands for words per minute, we can expect the following:

  • Third-grade students = 150 wpm
  • Eighth grade students = 250 wpm
  • Average college student = 450 wpm
  • Average “high-level exec” = 575 wpm
  • Average college professor = 675 wpm
  • Speed readers = 1,500 wpm

The unit parameter is the duration, and locale is used to define the language with moment.

Now we can use the pipe as follow:

<p>{{ content | readingTime }}</p>

Thats all, thank you for reading this post. Don’t hesitate to give it a clap



Ivo Nederlof

I’m a Fullstack developer based in The Netherlands. Experienced in developing and producing Web applications, REST api’s